NYT ‘bear spray’ theory about Sicknick death proven false, they keep lying about it anyway NYT caught repeatedly lying about..
New York Times
NYT ignorantly repeats tired left-wing memes about abortion history Sabrina Tavernise omits altogether the shocking pro-life conversion of Norma McCorvey,..
Biased sources dictate the narrative with opinions and agendas, not facts Suicide rates have risen among black youth one study..
Reporter quotes overwrought adjunct with a Religion PhD from Florida State to say its academic that all Trump protesters are..
Perri Klass gives “advice” on how to find an LGBT friendly doctor NYT continues to push radical medical measures on..
Puberty blockers are falsely painted as legitimate and positive methods to deal with gender dysphoria NYT article by Lena Wilson..
Nikole-Hannah Jones’ shoddy scholarship concealed in news article Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the 1619 Project, refuses to work if denied..
Biden’s Justice Department nominee has history of radicalism NYT avoids facts to promote Biden’s newest Justice Department pick Kristen Clarke..
Dangers of obesity downplayed in favor of body positivity “Weight stigma” is harmful and unhealthy according to writer, so BMI..
The New York Times’ David Leonhardt uses selective phrasing and selective statistics in order to justify the Manhattanite worldview he so zealously protects from critical thinking or competing views.
Without evidence, the NYT declares that no ‘Antifa’ were involved in the Capitol protest. The NYT makes no attempt to..
David Leonhardt’s analysis was opinion posing as fact, extremely biased and prejudiced and, frankly, overwrought for what some used to call the ‘paper of record’ for the country.