WashPost says “Bipartisan” means voters, not elected officials, to justify Joe Biden saying he has ‘bipartisan’ support for bills that..
FoxNews misleads viewers by claiming a Congresswoman is current, not former, in order to smear Matt Gaetz FoxNews misrepresents a..
“150% increase” in anti-Asian incidents not as devastating as it seems when actual numbers are used: 73 Liberal media overplays..
The New York Times’ David Leonhardt uses selective phrasing and selective statistics in order to justify the Manhattanite worldview he so zealously protects from critical thinking or competing views.
This news story represents everything that is wrong about the media; filled with false connections, lying headlines, premature conclusions and a clear lack of evidence, the story propagates a total lie.
Salon.com writer Jon Skolnik labels the events of Jan. 6 as an “insurrection” citing incorrect information.
The primary claim in this Dispatch fact check is that “mask-wearing does not cause bacterial pneumonia and hypoxia,” as a Facebook post claimed.
Washington Post’s Aaron Blake completely misrepresents Sidney Powell’s court filings, turning them into a false confession that she never believed..
Author indicts Founding Father with superficial history of the American Founding Sal, Medium Freelancer, looks to revise our opinion about..
Himmelman at the Dispatch chooses several red herrings to address in election fraud fact check Rather than focusing on..
Snopes rates as “true” something that is entirely “false” Dan MacGuill says Cong. Greene said Guam was a foreign country,..
Quartz misrepresents quotes, backgrounds, expertise throughout this article The reporters mention Nazi connections and provide none, and zero evidence They..